Source code for pythonkss.section

import os
import re
import textwrap

from pythonkss import markdownformatter
from pythonkss.example import Example
from pythonkss.exceptions import NotSectionError, InvalidMergeSectionTypeError, InvalidMergeNotSameReferenceError

EXAMPLE_START = 'Example:'

intented_line_re = re.compile(r'^\s\s+.*$')
reference_re = re.compile(
    r'^Styleguide(?P<type>(?:ExtendBefore|ExtendAfter|Replace))? '
extend_title_re = re.compile(r'Title:(?P<title>.+)$')

class SectionParser(object):
    def __init__(self, comment):
        self.comment = comment
        self.title = None
        self.section_type = None
        self.examples = []
        self.raw_reference = None
        self.reference = None
        self.raw_reference_segment_list = []
        self.reference_segment_list = []
        self.sortkey = None
        self.description = None

        self.in_example = False
        self.description_lines = []
        self.example_lines = []
        self.example_argumentstring = None

    def _reset_in_booleans(self):
        self.in_example = False

    def _parse_last_reference_segment(self, last_reference_segment):
        sortkey = None
        if last_reference_segment.isdigit():
            sortkey = int(last_reference_segment)
            text = last_reference_segment
        elif ':' in last_reference_segment:
            sortkey, text = last_reference_segment.split(':')
            sortkey = int(sortkey)
            text = last_reference_segment
        return sortkey, text

    def _parse_example_start(self, line):
        if self.example_lines:
            self.examples.append([self.example_lines, self.example_argumentstring])
        self.example_lines = []
        self.in_example = True
        arguments = line.split(':', 1)
        if len(arguments) > 1:
            self.example_argumentstring = arguments[1]

    def _parse_in_example(self, line):

    def _parse_description(self, line):

    def parse_body_line(self, line):
        if line.startswith(EXAMPLE_START):
        elif self.in_example is True and (intented_line_re.match(line) or line.strip() == ''):


    def _parse_extend_title(self, line):
        match = extend_title_re.match(line)
        if match:
            return match.groupdict()['title'].strip()
            return None

    def _parse_title(self, line):
        title_line_consumed = False
        line = line.strip()
        if self.section_type in Section.EXTEND_TYPES:
            title = self._parse_extend_title(line)
            if title:
                self.title = title
                title_line_consumed = True
            self.title = line
            title_line_consumed = True
        return title_line_consumed

    def _parse_raw_reference(self, raw_reference):
        self.raw_reference = raw_reference
        if raw_reference:
            self.raw_reference_segment_list = self.raw_reference.split('.')
            self.sortkey, text = self._parse_last_reference_segment(self.raw_reference_segment_list[-1])
            self.reference_segment_list = self.raw_reference_segment_list[0:-1] + [text]
            self.reference = '.'.join(self.reference_segment_list)

    def _parse_styleguide_line(self, line):
        match = reference_re.match(line)
        if match:
            groupdict = match.groupdict()
            self.section_type = groupdict['type'] or Section.TYPE_DEFAULT

    def parse(self, reference=None, title=None):
        Parse the section.

            reference: If provided, we parse the provided reference
                instead of extracting it from the content
                after ``Styleguide`` on the last line of the comment.
            title: If provided, we use the provided title
                instead of extracting it from the first line of the comment.
        lines = self.comment.strip().splitlines()
        minimum_lines = 2
        if reference:
            minimum_lines -= 1
        if title:
            minimum_lines -= 1
        if len(lines) < minimum_lines:
            raise NotSectionError('Not a section. A section must have at least 2 lines.',
        if reference:
            styleguide_line = lines.pop()
        if self.reference is None:
            raise NotSectionError('Not a section. A section must have the reference on the last line.',

        if title:
            title_line_consumed = self._parse_title(lines[0])
            if title_line_consumed:
                lines = lines[1:]

        for line in lines:
        self.description = '\n'.join(self.description_lines).strip()
        if self.example_lines:
            self.examples.append([self.example_lines, self.example_argumentstring])

[docs]class Section(object): """ A section in the documentation. """ TYPE_DEFAULT = 'Default' TYPE_EXTEND_AFTER = 'ExtendAfter' TYPE_EXTEND_BEFORE = 'ExtendBefore' EXTEND_TYPES = {TYPE_EXTEND_BEFORE, TYPE_EXTEND_AFTER} TYPE_REPLACE = 'Replace' def __init__(self, comment=None, filepath=None): self.comment = comment or '' self.filepath = filepath self._parsed = False @property def filename(self): if self.filepath: return os.path.basename(self.filepath) else: return self.filepath
[docs] def parse(self, **kwargs): """ Parse the section. Args: **kwargs: Forwarded to :meth:`.SectionParser.parse`. """ sectionparser = SectionParser(comment=self.comment) sectionparser.parse(**kwargs) self._section_type = sectionparser.section_type self._title = sectionparser.title self._description = sectionparser.description self._reference = sectionparser.reference self._raw_reference = sectionparser.raw_reference self._raw_reference_segment_list = sectionparser.raw_reference_segment_list self._reference_segment_list = sectionparser.reference_segment_list self._sortkey = sectionparser.sortkey self._examples = [] for lines, argumentstring in sectionparser.examples: self._add_example_linelist(example_lines=lines, argumentstring=argumentstring)
def parse_if_needed(self): if not self._parsed: self.parse() @property def section_type(self): """ Get the title (the first line of the comment). """ if not hasattr(self, '_section_type'): self.parse() return self._section_type @property def title(self): """ Get the title (the first line of the comment). """ if not hasattr(self, '_title'): self.parse() return self._title @property def title(self): """ Get the title (the first line of the comment). """ if not hasattr(self, '_title'): self.parse() return self._title @property def description(self): """ Get the description as plain text. """ if not hasattr(self, '_description'): self.parse() return self._description @property def description_html(self): """ Get the :meth:`.description` converted to markdown using :class:`pythonkss.markdownformatter.MarkdownFormatter`. """ return markdownformatter.MarkdownFormatter.to_html(markdowntext=self.description) @property def examples(self): """ Get all ``Example:`` sections as a list of :class:`pythonkss.example.Example` objects. """ if not hasattr(self, '_examples'): self.parse() return self._examples
[docs] def has_examples(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the section has at least one ``Example:`` section. """ return len(self._examples) > 0
[docs] def has_multiple_examples(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the section more than one ``Example:`` section. """ return len(self._examples) > 1
@property def reference(self): """ Get the reference. This is the part after ``Styleguide`` at the end of the comment. If the reference format is ``<number>:<text>``, this is only the ``<text>``. """ if not hasattr(self, '_reference'): self.parse() return self._reference @property def raw_reference(self): """ Get the raw reference. This is the part after ``Styleguide`` at the end of the comment. How a reference is parsed: - Split the reference into segments by ``"."``. - All the segments except the last refer to the parent. - The part after the last ``"."`` is in one of the following formats: - ``[a-z0-9_-]+`` - ``<number>:<[a-z0-9_-]+>`` - All segments except the last can only contain ``[a-z0-9_-]+``. """ if not hasattr(self, '_reference'): self.parse() return self._raw_reference @property def raw_reference_segment_list(self): """ Get :meth:`.raw_reference` as a list of segments. Just a shortcut for ``raw_reference.split('.')``, but slightly faster because the list is created when the section is parsed. """ if not hasattr(self, '_reference'): self.parse() return self._raw_reference_segment_list @property def reference_segment_list(self): """ Get :meth:`.reference` as a list of segments. Just a shortcut for ``reference.split('.')``, but slightly faster because the list is created when the section is parsed. """ if not hasattr(self, '_reference'): self.parse() return self._reference_segment_list
[docs] def iter_reference_segments_expanded(self): """ Iterate over :meth:`.reference_segment_list`, and return the reference of each segment. So if the :meth:`.reference` is ``a.b.c``, this will yield: - a - a.b - a.b.c """ collected = [] for segment in self.reference_segment_list: collected.append(segment) yield '.'.join(collected)
@property def sortkey(self): """ Get the sortkey for this reference within the parent section. Parses the last segment of the reference, and extracts a sort key. Extracted as follows: - If the segment is a number, return the number. - If the segment starts with ``<number>:``, return the number. - Otherwise, return ``None``. See :meth:`.reference` for information about what we mean by "segment". Some examples (reference -> sortkey): - 1 -> 1 - 4.3 -> 3 - 4.5.2 -> 2 - 4.myapp-lists -> None - 4.12:myapp-lists -> 12 """ if not hasattr(self, '_reference'): self.parse() return self._sortkey def _add_example_linelist(self, example_lines, **kwargs): text = '\n'.join(example_lines) text = textwrap.dedent(text).strip() self.add_example(text=text, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_example(self, text, **kwargs): """ Add a example block to the section. Args: text: The text for the example. **kwargs: Kwargs for :class:`pythonkss.example.Example`. """ example = Example( text=text, filename=self.filename, **kwargs) self._examples.append(example)
def _merge_title_into_section(self, target_section, after): if after: formattingstring = '{target} {source}' else: formattingstring = '{source} {target}' target_section._title = formattingstring.format( source=self.title, target=target_section.title) def _merge_description_into_section(self, target_section, after): if after: formattingstring = '{target}\n\n{source}' else: formattingstring = '{source}\n\n{target}' target_section._description = formattingstring.format( source=self.description, target=target_section.description) def _merge_examples_into_section(self, target_section, after): if after: target_section._examples.extend(self._examples) else: target_section._examples = self._examples + target_section._examples def merge_into_section(self, target_section): if self.section_type not in self.EXTEND_TYPES: raise InvalidMergeSectionTypeError( 'Can only merge sections of the following types ' 'into other sections: {extend_types}'.format( extend_types=', '.join(self.EXTEND_TYPES) )) elif self.reference != target_section.reference: raise InvalidMergeNotSameReferenceError( 'Can only merge sections with the same reference.' 'Trying to merge {source} into {target}'.format( source=self.reference, target=target_section.reference )) after = self.section_type == self.TYPE_EXTEND_AFTER if self.title: self._merge_title_into_section(target_section=target_section, after=after) if self.description: self._merge_description_into_section(target_section=target_section, after=after) if self.examples: self._merge_examples_into_section(target_section=target_section, after=after)